Meet Blair Logan

Blair is a Master Angelic Reiki practitioner and instructor, a Soul Midwife, and a Copper Alchemist

Blair has been actively working with energy alchemy for several decades, first as a dancer and dance instructor, working with and assisting others to release stagnant energy and empower themselves through movement and posture.

Most recently, Blair created Whimsical Alchemy as a virtual storefront for her copper-electroformed adornments for personal empowerment. These pieces, which are all ethically-sourced natural elements (twigs, crystals, bones, plants), are specifically combined or created singularly for their specified energetic vibration and made into amulet form via copper alchemy.

She is also a Master Angelic Reiki practitioner and instructor, acting as a conduit for high Divine Love frequency to assist her clients with energetic balancing, healing, and life purpose alignment. As a Soul Midwife, Blair is able to utilize Angelic Reiki to energetically assist her clients who are transitioning to the other side.

Based in Austin, Texas, Blair is available for in-person and distance sessions. You can check out her jewelry line here, or reach out to discuss potential commission work for your specific needs.